Tania, deeply passionate about her craft, has risen to prominence as one of the most sought-after makeup artists in the bridal industry both nationally and internationally.

Born in Valencia, Spain, and boasting over fourteen years of experience, she has transcended borders to become one of the most renowned makeup artists in Denver, CO, USA.

After an extended period abroad, she has chosen to establish herself in France, the country she always dreamed of living in. Taking advantage of her proximity to her home country of Spain, Tania now offers her services in the south of France and the eastern coast of Spain.

Tania's personal brand is characterized by her close connection with clients, the romantic and soft touch evident in her work, and her extensive expertise. Each service she provides is distinctive and unforgettable.

The essence that sets Tania apart, reflected in each of her creations, is the culmination of her inner world—a world she often desires to share with those capable of appreciating it.